
TheanswerisEmailTray,afreeemailclientthatalsofunctionsasanemailnotifier.Thissimpleyetpowerfulpieceofsoftwarewillregularlycheckall ...,Turnnotificationsoundsonoroff·OpenGmail.·Atthetopright,clickSettings·Scrollto“Desktopnotifications.”·ClickNewmailnotificationsonor ...,GmailNotifier.3.7·CheckyourGmailmessageswithoutopeningyourbrowser;MiaforGmail.3.8·MiaforGmail-ReadyourGmaile-mailfromyourdeskto...

A Universal Email Notifier for Webmail, POP3 and IMAP ...

The answer is EmailTray, a free email client that also functions as an email notifier. This simple yet powerful piece of software will regularly check all ...

Change Gmail notifications

Turn notification sounds on or off · Open Gmail. · At the top right, click Settings · Scroll to “Desktop notifications.” · Click New mail notifications on or ...

Download Mail Notifier

Gmail Notifier. 3.7 · Check your Gmail messages without opening your browser ; Mia for Gmail. 3.8 · Mia for Gmail - Read your Gmail e-mail from your desktop.

Email Notifier

Email Notifier is an extension that gives you easy access to a few famous email providers (such as Gmail, iCloud, Live Mail, etc.), plus you get badge ...

Gmail Notifier Pro

Gmail Notifier Pro is a Gmail notifier for Windows that can check multiple Gmail accounts for new mail and display notifications.

Howard Email Notifier

2024年2月13日 — Howard Email Notifier, free download for Windows. Program that provides real-time notifications for new emails, allowing users to stay on ...

Mail Notifier download

2024年5月18日 — This is e-mail notifier application for Windows. It supports multiple e-mail accounts. Sits in tray only. Has popup notification windows, ...

Notifier for Gmail™

Multiple label and account notifier for Google Mail (Gmail). Gmail™ Notifier is an open-source project that notifies you about incoming emails from all your ...

Turn new message alert pop

A Desktop Alert is a notification that appears on your desktop when you receive a new email message, a meeting request, or a task request.